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Canton Area High School Rugby was established in 2004 as the Stark County High School Rugby team. Our high school rugby programs have expanded to include any boy or girl in Stark/Tusc County, as well as adjacent counties/schools with no rugby teams established. We participate in the Rugby Ohio league, under the organization of USA Rugby. We are currently seeking to increase the number of high school teams in the Stark/Tusc area, and will assist any area high school to establish a program by providing coaching, resources, and other needs which may arise. 

We run two separate high school seasons and a player may participate in one or both depending on their schedules. Our spring season runs roughly March - May and our fall season runs roughly September to November. 

Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. The cost of registration includes USA Rugby liability insurance, shorts, socks, match jerseys and a t-shirt. The player will need to purchase football or soccer cleats and a mouth guard if they do not already have them. Please contact with any questions about High School Rugby. 



We can help! If you are looking to field a youth rugby team for your particular area or school district within the Stark/Tusc area, please contact and we will let you know if there's  already something in the works for your area, or we'll put you in touch with the appropriate person to get the ball rolling. You may also contact us here. 

Fall 7s Tournament (2313).JPG
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